Open Daily, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Prior to arriving, teachers and chaperones should review the guidelines for visiting The Hershey Story on a class trip.

Guidelines for Teachers

  • Groups must arrive 15 minutes prior to tour start time to allow for orientation and instruction. Groups arriving late may have lessons revised to accommodate time constraints.
  • Our multi-purpose rooms are available at no extra charge for brown bag lunches. The room must be reserved at the time your school tour reservation is made. If you are having lunch at the museum, please bring all lunches identified with class name and stored in large boxes or containers to be taken to the lunch room upon arrival.
  • Food, drinks and chewing gum are not permitted outside of the Café and lunch rooms.
  • Photography is permitted throughout the museum. Please note: photography may be prohibited in the Temporary Exhibit Gallery. Please check on the day of your visit.

Guidelines for Teachers/Chaperones

  • Please provide one adult for every five students at the elementary level, and one adult for every ten students at the high school level.
    NOTE: Chocolate Lab can accommodate up to six adults.
  • Teachers/chaperones are responsible for their students at all times while in the museum
  • Please discuss museum manners with students prior to your visit:
    • Keep voices low
    • Stay with your teacher or chaperone
    • Walk in the museum
    • Do not wear roller-type sneakers
    • Do not touch objects unless instructed to do so
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